Blackshot Making TeamEsp- 2014


!'ll Learn to make TeamEsp 
No blabla! 

Attention: When I start to get into the room and the screen will turn white! al on your pc more legal gambling will appear. 
_____________________________________ - >> TeamEsp BS

  1. Run BlackShot with GGbypass and open CheatEngine.
  2. Go to a room, and put in CheatEngine Byte.
  3. Definition: Time Blue = 0 && time = 1 red.
  4. Enters the side of the red team (Right), and Start, upon entering the room you go in Cheat Engine, Puts Value # 1 and Scan.
  5. Exit the room and go to the blue team (Left), there perform the same procedure as above, the next to 0.
  6. Repeat this until you get about 20 addresses around.
  7. When you find the End, just for you reverse the Example'm on team red = 1 I put 0.

. Note1: the address at least here the beginning is this ... 0592; Note2:. the search can be performed in alternate rooms or not does not matter, since the byte and his team is correct. Pronto Be Merry! ____________________________________ Video

Print ready video was not very good, pro spent!