Blackshot Making Your Own% KD Hack - 2014 with Cheat Engine


Attention: You need to use the BypassGG CheatEngine. 
You must be the Host of the room unlike the case will not work
- >> Making Your Own KD%

  1. Sign in with some BlackShot GGbypas and open your CheatEngine;
  2. Enter a room 'Unlimited Battle Arena', and kill one player;
  3. After entering the room, go to your CheatEngine and Place 2 Bytes 1 and look for (Player who killed), from First scan;
  4. Return to BlackShot kill more and after that go in CheatEngine and place the new number of Kill and nextScan
  5. Do this until you find the Green Address
  6. Double Click on a Green and Value change to the desired value;
  7. Exit the room and be happy.
  8. Get KD.